#34 - Sarah Goer stops by to chat about color and community in quilting bees, and her teaching philosophy of there being lots of RIGHT ways to make a quilt.
Show Notes
Website - https://sarahgoerquilts.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sarahgoerquilts/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sarahgoerquilts
Quilts Unscripted Bee - https://www.instagram.com/quiltsunscriptedbee/
Carole Lyles Shaw - https://carolelylesshaw.com/
Sarah Ruiz - https://saroy.net/
Unscripted Quilt - https://saroy.net/2021/11/unscripted-quilt/
Project Quilting - https://kimlapacek.com/project-quilting
Sarah’s classes - https://sarahgoerquilts.com/teaching/
QuiltCon - https://quiltcon.com/
Global Quilt Connection - https://www.globalquiltconnection.com/
Northern California Quilt Council - https://ncqc.net/
Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds - https://www.sccqg.org/
Mel Beach - https://melbeachquilts.com/
Metropolitan Patchwork Society - https://www.metropatch.com/
Viking 6690 - https://pages.uoregon.edu/craigb/Viking%206690%20brochure.pdf
*Fast Food Trays for cut pieces - https://amzn.to/3Ybv8Qd
Alison Glass - https://alisonglass.com/
Freddie Moran - https://youtu.be/RT7JGt9u-e8?si=vRGCUDPfR5S5KNYs
*Art, Inc. by Lisa Congdon - https://amzn.to/4dYLMZq
*Affiliate link - I might make a commission but you don’t pay more
Where to find Sam Hunter:
How to Own a Revolutionary Craft Biz - www.revcraftbiz.com
Hunter's Design Studio - www.huntersdesignstudio.com
Embroidered Journey - www.embroideredjourney.com
Creatively Sorted - www.creativelysorted.com
Sam Hunter Art - www.samhunterart.com
The RevCraftBiz Podcast is a Quilt Talk™ product
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